TMJ Treatment – Plano, TX
Effective & Long-Lasting Jaw Pain Relief
Jaw pain, sore facial muscles, and related symptoms can put a damper on your daily life and make it difficult for you to enjoy your favorite foods. What can you do to find effective and long-lasting jaw pain relief? Visit our Plano orthodontic team for a consultation. We offer TMJ treatment services that have the potential to ease your symptoms and help you get back to enjoying a comfortable and functional smile.
Why Choose Willow Bend Orthodontics of Plano for TMJ Treatment?
- Highly Trained Orthodontic Experts
- Custom-Made Stabilization Splints
- Friendly & Caring Team
What Is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder may also be referred to as TMJ dysfunction or TMD. Some people even call it “TMJ,” but that is a misnomer because your TMJ is actually the joint that connects your lower jaw to the rest of your skull. Everyone has a TMJ, but not everyone has TMD. TMD occurs when the TMJ becomes stressed, overworked, or injured. Often, this can occur as the result of accidents, a misaligned bite, teeth grinding, or a range of other causes. In some cases, the cause of TMD remains unknown.
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMD can cause many different symptoms. Here are some of the most common:
- Pain and tenderness in the jaw and surrounding facial muscles
- Limited jaw mobility, or the inability to move the jaw at all
- Clicking and popping when you open and close your mouth
- Frequent headaches or migraines
- Difficulty eating tough and chewy foods
- Pain behind your eyes
- Noticeable changes in your bite
- Ringing in your ears (tinnitus)
Types of TMJ Treatment

When you visit us for your consultation, we will carefully examine your teeth and bite as we strive to determine the cause of your symptoms. Some patients require braces or clear aligners in order to fix the underlying cause of their TMD. In other cases, though, we recommend a custom-made stabilization splint. When combined with home remedies, such as jaw massages and stretches, it has the potential to provide long-term pain relief.
Custom-Made Stabilization Splint
A custom-made stabilization splint is a small device that resembles a mouthguard. It can prevent teeth grinding throughout the night and gently reposition your jaw with the goal of helping your TMJ and the surrounding muscles to relax. With consistent use, a splint may allow you to experience a fast and significant reduction in your symptoms.
TMJ Treatment FAQs

The team at Willow Bend Orthodontics in Plano is eager to help you escape from your persistent jaw pain and related TMD symptoms. Before you call to book your consultation, however, we understand if you would like to gather more information. To assist you, we have put together the following list of TMJ treatment FAQs, along with succinct and easy-to-understand answers. If your specific questions are not included here, give us a call — we will be happy to speak with you!
Can TMJ Be Cured Permanently?
Some types of TMJ treatment are meant only for symptom management. That is often true of at-home remedies. They can provide pain relief, but since they do not address the underlying cause of TMD, they cannot provide long-lasting results.
Other treatments do strive to address the cause of TMD. After completing orthodontic treatment or using a stabilization splint for a time, many patients find that their pain disappears. As long as nothing occurs to cause a new flare-up of TMD, the results have the potential to last for years.
Can TMJ Be Fixed with Braces?
In some cases, TMD occurs due to a malocclusion. That is to say, the upper and lower jaws are not properly aligned, so the teeth cannot work as they should. As a result, the TMJ must deal with an excessive amount of stress and strain. TMD symptoms can be the result.
If your teeth or jaws are significantly misaligned, we may recommend that you undergo orthodontic treatment. After your time with braces, you might experience permanent TMD relief. However, since braces can take quite a while to finish their job, we may recommend that you use at-home remedies or other therapies to manage your symptoms in the meantime.
Is TMJ Treatment Safe?
Most forms of TMJ treatment are considered to be safe. Of course, each option comes with its own small measure of risk. We always strive to recommend the safest, most conservative treatments before we refer patients for more extensive procedures, such as surgery. If you have questions about the potential downsides of any TMJ treatment that we recommend, feel free to ask!
How Long Does It Take for a TMJ Splint to Work?
If you consistently wear your stabilization splint every night, you could notice initial results within just a few days. Usually, though, optimum relief occurs after 3 – 6 months. However, since every patient is unique, your timeline could be quite different from what is average.
If it seems like your treatment is taking an unusual amount of time to produce results, talk to us about your concerns. We might be able to make adjustments that will help you find relief a bit faster.