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Summer Snacking with Braces: The Best (and Worst) Foods

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowbendbraces @ 12:52 pm
Patient with braces eating watermelon

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy delicious seasonal foods, but if you have braces, you need to be mindful of what you eat. Certain snacks can damage your appliance or make your treatment less effective. If you’re ready for summer, but don’t want the hassle of vetting everything at your uncle’s BBQ, continue reading. Here’s a guide to seasonal snacking with braces, including what to enjoy and what to avoid!

Enjoy: Soft Fruit

There’s nothing like some nice, fresh, sweet fruit on a hot summer day. Best of all, most of the ones in season are braces-friendly! These are the perfect summer treat full of vitamins and hydration:

  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are easy to eat and packed with nutrients.
  • Bananas: Soft and easy to chew, bananas are a great choice.
  • Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are refreshing and gentle on your braces. Just be careful with the seeds!

Avoid: Crunchy, Sticky Stuff

Hard and crunchy foods as well as sticky, syrupy candies can damage your braces and should be kept to a minimum or avoided. Here are the worst offenders:

  • Popcorn: The official snack of summer blockbusters! Unfortunately, the kernels can get stuck in your braces and are difficult to clean out.
  • Caramel and Gummies: While tasty, these sticky, chewy treats can easily damage brackets and cling to wires for hours.
  • Chips: Crunchy chips are great for snacking, but they can get stuck in the wires of your appliance and cause damage.

Enjoy: Cooked Veggies

If you were worried about being able to enjoy Aunt Peggy’s potato salad, worry no more! While raw vegetables can be tough on brackets and wires, well-cooked ones are soft and easy to manage. Here are some of the best:

  • Steamed Broccoli: A nutritious and braces-friendly side dish.
  • Grilled Veggies: Soft, grilled vegetables like zucchini and bell peppers are perfect for summer barbecues.
  • Mashed Potatoes: A classic and safe choice that can be dressed up in numerous ways!

Avoid: Hard Meats

Unfortunately, some tougher meats are much more likely to damage your braces than others. So, if you had your heart set on specific cuts or if you love savory meat snacks, you may need to find alternatives. Chicken, turkey, and leaner, more tender meats are much better for your appliance and just as tasty with a good sauce. Here’s what to avoid:

  • Steak: Tough cuts of steak can be difficult to eat and may damage your braces unless cooked properly.
  • Pork: The same rules for steak (beef) apply to meats like pork. Tougher cuts like flank and belly are best slow-cooked to be moist and tender. Otherwise, they’ll be tough, rubbery, and damage your braces.
  • Jerky: Hard and chewy, jerky is best avoided.

By choosing some of these braces-friendly foods and avoiding those that can cause damage, you can enjoy a delicious summer. With this guide, you’ll keep your braces in good shape and your smile healthy!

About the Practice

Ready to dive teeth-first into summer? The friendly orthodontists at Willow Bend Orthodontics of Plano can help improve your smile just in time for watermelon season. We use advanced dental technology and sophisticated techniques to create braces and other orthodontic appliances that work effectively and efficiently to totally transform your teeth. Call (972) 732-1400 to schedule a consultation or visit our website to discover all the services we offer.

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